Assignment: DH Project reviews

Before Tuesday’s class, choose three of the projects below and explore.  You don’t need to try to see every single page or item in the project, but click around enough to get a sense of what the project is about.

  1. UAlbany Campus Buildings Historical Tour
  2. The Normal School Company & Normal School Company History
  3. State Street Stories
  4. Black and Free
  5. Valley of the Shadow
  6. Arabella Chapman Project
  7. Mapping Segregation
  8. Digital Harlem
  9. The Negro Traveler’s Green Book
  10. Visualizing Emancipation
  11. Cleveland Historical
  12. Quantifying Kissinger
  13. Invasion of America
  14. Pox Americana
  15. Mapping the Republic of Letters

In your comment below, discuss:

  • Who is the audience for each of your projects?  How can you tell? Is the audience scholarly or public?  Does the project seem to engage with a historiography?
  • What kind of interactivity is there?  How do you as the visitor interact with the project besides just reading it?  Do your projects differ in the kind of interactivity they allow?
  • Does the project have an argument?  How does the project use its interactivity functions to make an argument?
  • How did the visual presentation of information affect your understanding of the argument, good or bad?  Link a particularly great or frustrating example for at least one project.
  • Did you have any frustrations in navigating or trying to interact with the project?

Eric Copyrights

Some of my information is much easier to access than others. As an example I will post two sources that I have been using recently, the Southern Israelite and Commentary magazine. The Southern Israelite is much easier to access because it hosted by the Digital Library of Georgia. Accessing Commentary is much more difficult because it is an active magazine and its digital access is behind a paywall, with a limited number of articles available to non-subscribers.

I am also including an example of a picture that I have come across during my research. Generally photos involving relations between African Americans and Jewish leaders in the 1960s are staged and were designed with specific goals in mind, this one included. Most were taken either by larger civil rights organizations such as the NAACP or American Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Committee.